Unprovoked Rant

I’m reading A Survey of Modernist Poetry by Laura Riding and Robert Graves. This struck me:

“Yet the sonnet theory can be provoked in Shakespeare’s sonnets as all pre-Shakespearian dramatic theories can be provoked in his plays.”

The sentence is in service of the authors view that it’s not enough to present as evidence of experimentation an excellent poem as excellent poems may have in them borrowings as well as innovations. I very much liked the use of “provoked.”

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POETS Day! Laura Riding, Poet/Muse

[This entry is cross posted at ordinary-times.com]

It’s tempting to try and grab a game on one of these last few Fridays left in the baseball season, but my advice is to hold on to that escape excuse. Put it in your back pocket and save it for the playoffs, especially if you’re a Baltimore fan. We don’t get to say “Orioles” and “playoffs” together very often. The birds are usually mathematically eliminated from the post season by the end of April.

This week’s plan to get an early go at the weekend should involve a claim to do something that would make your mother proud and then by saying you’re going to do it and not, make your mother cry.

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