POETS Day! Thomas Hardy

[This entry is cross posted at ordinary-times.com]

Week 0 of the college football season doesn’t count. We know this because it’s called Week 0. Other than provide a chance for Notre Dame to be Oiyrish! in front of the Irish, not much is expected nor delivered. Real Football begins now. As of this writing the Thursday sacrifice of Elon to Wake Forrest remote-button-bounce to Kent State at UCF and all the Big12 giggling that involves is on the horizon. Both are appetizers to what I suspect will be a reportedly more than decent Utah hosting an abysmal Florida (who I still think pulls this out [oops]). I’ll keep UAB on a laptop on the coffee table.

We’ve made it through the desert, our long national nightmare is over, Holy Thursday, morning has broken, etc. Now is the Autumn of our content and no right minded company worth working for would bother making you pretend through the afternoon that you were mentally where you were supposed to be when your thoughts are flitting about Bryant-Denny and the Coliseum.

No need to call it a POETS Day this week. Freedom’s in the air; miasma but a good kind. Still, for form’s sake: Piss Off Early, Tomorrow’s Saturday.

The season is upon us. Start it of right with a little verse, an appreciative pause, and then a heartfelt “Roll Tide!”

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